How We Prepare for a Successful Move

by Lesleigh Smith

Don’t allow the stress of a move to put a damper on the excitement of your future.

Since we’re in the business of buying and selling houses, one might imagine we’ve locked down our forever home and are staying put. Quite the contrary, actually. We’ve moved many times and, by choice, are currently in the midst of another big move.

In order to keep our entire family positive about the change, rather than bogged down by the operations of it all, we do three things to make each move a success.

  1. Declutter and reorganize. Before you leave one place and head to the next, it’s critical to compare room sizes, number of closets, etc. We’re not big on storage units—out of sight out of mind—so we aim to ensure all we take with us will easily function in the areas for storage. Pro tip: Hire an organizational specialist [like Re-Do Home Organization] to make your life a little easier. It feels so good to ditch what’s not needed so there’s no need to pack and unpack unnecessary items.
  2. Hire packers and movers. We have friends who have done the both on their own, and we have too, in the past, but there’s something to be said about paying for a service that saves you time and sanity. Keep in mind, these employees are paid to do what you’ve asked them to do—pack and move. Nothing will be left out of boxes, so make sure you note specific instructions if you’re leaving certain items behind.
  3. Pack a suitcase. Moving might not feel like you’re taking a vacation, but packing a bag with a few changes of clothes is critical. No one can predict the timeframe of unpacking, so it’s best to have a couple outfits, PJs, toiletries, clean underwear [yes… there’s a story here] and anything else necessary.

With that, wish us luck on yet another move. We pray for peace, patience, safety of those involved and a smooth transition for our kids into their “new,” temporary home.


Lesleigh Smith


+1(480) 710-1266

